Social Media Choices Can Be Overwhelming

Social Media Choices Can Be Overwhelming

My Mom is in her late 70’s. She has no Social Media accounts. None. Heck, she just, within the last six months, got high-speed internet.  To this point she had been using DIAL-UP AOL.  I’ll let that sink in for a moment.  Yes, until a few months ago, I could not talk to my Mom if she was using her computer (which I could always tell because her answering machine would pick up. Yes, an answering machine…that uses CASSETTE TAPES. Ponder THAT for a moment).

Mom has a cellphone, but it’s only for emergencies (calls to AAA for flat tires, that sort of thing). In 2007, we took a trip together to Las Vegas. I had called her cell from the airport and left her a voicemail.  I am pretty sure that the message is STILL in her voicemail box, because she told me later she has no idea how to access her voicemail.

I think it would be much easier for her to keep in touch with people if she would just get a Facebook account. And I may try to talk her into it when I visit her in March.  I expect, though, even if I get her signed up she’s not going to use it.  I envision myself being the administrator for her Facebook account, calling her now and then to get tidbits for status updates.

My Dad doesn’t have any Social Media accounts, either. His wife has a Facebook account which is primarily filled with updates about how fabulous her children and grandchildren are doing sprinkled liberally with ultra-conservative political memes and Bible quotes.

There are so many options when we discuss Social Media. There’s Twitter, Facebook, G+, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn… and that’s just a drop in the bucket. And from different sources we hear about the newest “next big thing” in Social Media daily.  Figuring out where to focus your time and energy can be overwhelming. Do you go where it’s comfortable for you? Do you seek out the platforms you think your customers/potential clients might be using? How much time per day/week is reasonable to spend on Social Media for your business and do you/will you use any Social Media platforms for your personal social interactions?

I’ll write more about my personal observations and professional interactions with Social Media over the next few months.  And I’ll also look at whether engaging a Social Media Manager might be a good route for you.


  • Shawn says:

    January 21, 2014 at 12:16 pm

    Technology can be hard for the best of us. I’m trying to teach my mother how to use Facebook and to blog. Not easy. I guess its how my own kids feel when they are trying to teach me how to do something technical. Looking forward to your next blog.

  • Leslie S. Rivera says:

    January 25, 2014 at 1:04 am

    Great job, Laura! Yes, social media can be overwhelming, but I think the best thing to do is spend some time dipping your toes in the water. Figure out where you enjoy spending your time. As far as getting the older generation involved, I think they have to want to take that dive. Otherwise, they’ve earned the right to do whatever the heck they want!

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